The circular economy is a topic that has acquired a stable position in the global public debate onenvironmental sustainability and the conservation of natural resources. For LIBERITUTTI circular economy is a theme of fundamental importance, which guides its activities in multiple sectors and offers the possibility of experimenting and innovating new solutions for running business activities, consumption, social inclusion, dialogue with the territory and with territorial authorities.
Local and regional authorities find themselves increasingly faced with challenges which they cannot meet alone. Demographic change and challenges relating to energy and climate change, for example, call for integrated spatial approaches. The pressure of economic competition is on
the increase, and the organization of infrastructure and transport, as well as the development of residential and commercial areas, require cities and their surrounding municipalities to cooperate with each other.
The monitoring of the effects generated by initiatives based on the principle of Circular Economy may sound simple, but on the basis of researches conducted by several institutes across Europe, the poor attitude of administrations with data does not often provide what is needed to outline
a picture of the scope and magnitude of circular economy. Difficulties often emerge in moving from pilot phase to the implementation phase of related initiatives.
The project therefore proposes, through pilot projects identified by each partner, to
collect reliable data on energy and material flows, recycling, energy consumption, through the use of technologies, such
as digital platforms at every stage of the project.
The results will be shared and made available to local policy makers and stakeholders , providing also a methodology on how to improve data collection and analysis, giving also criteria for investments in this field that are coherent with local needs and financial
These local data may help local politicians to improve their capacity in spatial planning thanks to this additional source of information, moreover these local data may also feed National data.
Project Idea Type: Circular and resource efficient economy (Priority 2)
Dilek joined the Project Idea
CIRCULAR GOVERNANCE 4 months, 2 weeks ago
Florian joined the Project Idea
CIRCULAR GOVERNANCE 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Paolo changed the description of the Project Idea
CIRCULAR GOVERNANCE from "pilot testing of methodologies to measure the impact of businesses and activites run on the basis of the circular econpmy principles" to "The circular economy is a topic that has acquired a stable position in the global public debate onenvironmental sustainability and the conservation of natural resources. For LIBERITUTTI circular economy is a theme of fundamental importance, which guides its activities in multiple sectors and offers the possibility of experimenting and innovating new solutions for running business activities, consumption, social inclusion, dialogue with the territory and with territorial authorities.
Local and regional authorities find themselves increasingly faced with challenges which they cannot meet alone. Demographic change and challenges relating to energy and climate change, for example, call for integrated spatial approaches. The pressure of economic competition is on
the increase, and the organization of infrastructure and transport, as well as the development of residential and commercial areas, require cities and their surrounding municipalities to cooperate with each other.The monitoring of the effects generated by initiatives based on the principle of Circular Economy may sound simple, but on the basis of researches conducted by several institutes across Europe, the poor attitude of administrations with data does not often provide what is needed to outline
a picture of the scope and magnitude of circular economy. Difficulties often emerge in moving from pilot phase to the implementation phase of related initiatives.
The project therefore proposes, through pilot projects identified by each partner, to
collect reliable data on energy and material flows, recycling, energy consumption, through the use of technologies, such
as digital platforms at every stage of the project.
The results will be shared and made available to local policy makers and stakeholders , providing also a methodology on how to improve data collection and analysis, giving also criteria for investments in this field that are coherent with local needs and financial
These local data may help local politicians to improve their capacity in spatial planning thanks to this additional source of information, moreover these local data may also feed National data." 9 months ago