Marianne posted an update in the Project Idea
ALPINTO – Revitalizing Small Town Centers Through Sustainable Development and Innovative Governance 2 weeks, 5 days ago
Manifesto is a art consulting agency based in Paris. We conceive and deliver artistic and cultural projects in the arts, heritage and museum sectors.
We are particularly motivated by the ALPINTO initiative and the objective of working with “pilot” villages around master development plans, addressing transversal challenges such as urban sprawl, car dependency, degraded urban center… We believe that the integration of cultural and artistic expertise could help :
− Revealing different sensibilities to territories, memories of places, identities, etc. by involving artists in workshops with local stakeholders
− Adressing issues of accessibility, remoteness to cultural places and the arts in rural areas of the Alps
− Test new uses of public space, foster communities through experimental, artistic and innovative project (artistic residencies, site activation, heritage conversion, etc.)
We would be happy to discuss the project with you