

First Name


Last Name



SPES Zukunftsakademie

Type of Organisation

Enterprise (incl. SME)


Strengthen citizen participation in rural areas







I am a member of

Participation in an Interreg Alpine Space project before


Participation in other EU funded project before


I would like to

Find a project to be involved in

I am interested in

Climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention (Priority 1), Energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions reduction (Priority 2), Research and innovation capacities (Priority 3), Governance (Priority 4)

Field(s) of expertise

Heritage and tourism, Urban and regional planning, Education and training, Governance, partnership and cooperation, Health and social services


The non-profit SPES GmbH is a non-partisan and non-denominational regional development and adult education institution and is concerned with the quality of life in communities, regions, organisations and companies. It has 4 divisions: The team “sustainable entrepreneurship” trains people to become entrepreneurial employees and advises companies on organisational development. The “Work Foundation” deals with topics related to the world of work. In the “Communities and Regions” section, perspectives for a future worth living are developed with committed local people. In the “SPES Family Academy” family-friendly framework conditions are created in the communities. The SPES project teams are active in the hotspots of our society and have the goal, to increase quality of life for future generations. In addition, SPES GmbH operates its own seminar hotel.
SPES has been in existence for over 30 years and has – both as a lead and partner organisation – successfully implemented numerous projects at local, national and also international level. SPES is in exchange and well networked in the region and with relevant institutions, stakeholders and organisations. Since its foundation, SPES has been active in the municipal setting (community and regional development) and has a high level of implementation competence at the local level due to its orientation (increasing the quality of life in the region). In the past 35 years, more than 400 municipalities have been supported with a focus on citizen participation and community development, and countless good practice models have been prepared for multiplication.
Of the total of 30 employees, 15 work in the hotel sector, another 15 people are active in the four project teams mentioned above and develop educational offers, projects and models.