

First Name


Last Name



Confartigianato Imprese Vicenza

Type of Organisation

Business support organisation, including chambers of commerce, networks and clusters









I am a member of

Participation in an Interreg Alpine Space project before


Participation in other EU funded project before


I would like to

Find a project to be involved in

I am interested in

Climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention (Priority 1), Energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions reduction (Priority 2), Circular and resource efficient economy (Priority 2), Research and innovation capacities (Priority 3), Digitalisation (Priority 3)

Field(s) of expertise

Energy efficiency, Transport and mobility, Infrastructure, construction and renovation, Education and training, Governance, partnership and cooperation, ICT and digitalisation


Confartigianato Imprese Vicenza is a private not-for-profit association and Business Support Organisation (BSO) of Micro and SMEs, based in the city of Vicenza and born in 1945 with the aim of safeguarding entrepreneurs’ interests and supporting their actions to improve the local economic and social context. Today it is the largest employers’ organization in Italy. It is part of a regional and national confederation of BSOs, namely Confartigianato Imprese, which is also a founding member of the umbrella organisation SME United in Brussels. The main areas of activity can be grouped as follows:

· Advocacy and lobbying activities: to defend the interest of member companies in front of Policy Makers (at local, regional, national and European levels);

· Provision of services: to provide companies with a wide and qualified range of services, supporting them in “everyday activities”;

· Promotion of economic initiatives, aimed at favouring the aggregation processes among companies;

· Internationalization: offering tailor-made services for micro and SMEs in this field.

· Digitalization: Confartigianato Vicenza supports companies in the digital transition process through the Digital Innovation hub established in 2017.

Throughout the years, our Association has also been managing several regionally, nationally and internationally funded projects (e.g. Interreg, Erasmus+, Europeaid) involving an increasing number of companies from different sectors and fostering the important exchange of expertise and good practices at a European level