

First Name


Last Name




Type of Organisation

Enterprise (incl. SME)


European project manager







I am a member of

Participation in an Interreg Alpine Space project before


Participation in other EU funded project before


I would like to

Find a partner for a call for proposals

I am interested in

Digitalisation (Priority 3), Governance (Priority 4)

Field(s) of expertise

Governance, partnership and cooperation, ICT and digitalisation


I’m looking, on behalf of Beletrina and Urbanistic Insitute in Slovenia for project partner for the project idea about Fostering Transnational Governance for Accessible All-Season Alpine Tourism.

Description of the problem

Alpine all-year-round Touristic resorts are usually managed individually, more or less in an arrangement between regional or local authorities and private all-year-round Touristic resorts management companies. These Alpine resorts thus usually fall under private sector legal regulations, where digital and physical accessibility wasn’t (isn’t) yet legally mandatory for them.

– Inaccessible Alpine SKI resorts all-year-round tourism offers: an expressive need to connecting digital and physical accessibility of their offers for all-year-round activities: mountaineering, ski-sports, wellness, culture and entertainment etc with a focus on elderly visitors as well as on visitors with different disabilities, since they represent a strong, faithful and untapped economic potential.
– Lack of Common Strategies for development of accessible all-year-round Alpine SKI resorts tourism, based on best practices from EU and USA (ADA- Americans with Disabilities Act); even though there are a few accessible resorts in the EU, they are all expensive and cater firstly to the social elites;
– Lack of accessibility knowledge, experience, open dialogue and support to staff and managers of the Resorts, to implement digitally and physically accessible products, services and communication;
– Lack of accessible touristic digital services (various selection options for accommodations, tickets, events participation reservation and communications services) for planning a vacation, which are crucial for persons with different disabilities. They must be very sure, that the place they are visiting will be accessible to them, so they spend about three times more researching and confirming accessibility features in order to be fully included and able to participate, then the average tourist;
– Lack of a unified Alpine SKI Resorts Counselling and Leadership at implementing strategic accessibility measures and features, exchanging experiences, finding solutions to common or specific issues with setting up accessible seasonal touristic products and services;
– Lack of Persons with disabilities Organization’s (PwDOs) influence to change and raise the need for equal social inclusion awareness in order to develop physically and digitally accessible Alpine SKI resorts all-year-round tourism offers.

The objective
The objective is to establish a common transnational governance framework and strategy for improving the digital and physical accessibility of Alpine all-year-round tourism resorts, fostering multi-level and cross-sectoral cooperation, and empowering local communities.

The activities
-the development of a common Trans-Alpine Accessible all-year-round Tourism Strategy and methodological frameworks for enhancing digital and physical accessibility of Alpine all-year-round Tourism resorts;
– Capacity-building programs and training modules for Alpine tourism resorts stakeholders on accessibility planning, implementation, and monitoring;
– Pilot implementation and evaluation of the developed accessible Alpine Tourism methodologies and strategies in selected Alpine resorts, with active involvement of local communities and PwDOs;